We only provide an automated index for Kodi users to have easy access to Navi-X and other addons for Kodi. We are not affiliated with the developers (tvaddons, crzen, Blazetamer) and do not provide help for this particular addon. Follow us! Have a look at our Facebook. Rendered at Wednesday 15th of July 2020 07:22:50 AM . About SuperRepo. SuperRepo is an unofficial index for addons compatible

19 May 2017 Navi-X was first released in April 2007, and is the oldest Kodi addon of its trying to shut down both Kodi and the illegal addons that supply it. 2 Jan 2015 The Navi-X addon have a conflict with enigma2. Here is the fix: 1) unzip the file 2) upload files in /media/hdd/.xbmc/addons/Navi-X/src 3) restart  30 Jun 2014 Navi-X is a “content aggregator” app that streams multimedia content on the internet from a public directory of user contributed links and site  Here you can find the latest flight simulation payware add-ons, expansions and tools including aircraft, scenery and much more. Prices can be displayed in  below, you agree to our use of cookies. If you want to disable the cookies in the future, please modify the settings in your browser. (Learn more)I agree. X  Hence, the user on selecting/pressing the button, will get a popup that will allow him to choose associated the AddOns Menu items. For example, in a menus for  Downloading X-Plane Add-Ons. X-Plane may have the most realistic flight model on the market, but what is that worth if you can't fly the planes that you want to 

Uno de los add-ons pioneros y más populares de Kodi, Navi-X, cesa sus actividades por el uso que se hace de este y posibles problemas legales

Navi-X was one of the best Kodi add-ons for all the latest TV shows and movies. Unfortunately, the Navi-X team decided to end the project in early 2017, citing fears of copyright litigation as the main reason. This left Kodi users with a huge content hole that needed to be filled. Fortunately there are plenty of other add-ons that deliver a streaming experience almost as good as Navi-X. Retrieved from "https://kodi.wiki/index.php?title=Add-on:Navi-X&oldid=78604" Thanks to 'jrbmw' for this: Here is a working Navi X file that fixes the 'script error' on Navi-X v. 4. Working on BH 3.0.1 or BH 2.1.7, OpenATV 5.1. So should work with all XBMC enabled images. Unzip then in Dcc click on expert then on show hidden files. FTP the whole folder to Download Navi-X 14/8/21, 1 source - Media browser (Misc. video) KODI ADDONS CLUB v1 Toggle navigation ☰ What is Kodi? What is this site? How to install addons? Misc. video. Video plugin. Was this Addon misclassified? It should be in this category: TV/M

Maintenance Task List. Print Maintenance Task List. Service works export · Plugins · Weblocator · Courier on the map · Mobile view. X-GPS Tracker · First start.

Le Navi-X Kodi add-on est l'un des add-ons de playlist la plus longue date et la nouvelle version #4 améliore le module complémentaire de façon spectaculaire. Lire la suite pour plus d'informations.